United Women In Faith shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to

know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to

develop a creative supportive fellowship and expand concepts of mission

through participation in the global ministries of the church. 


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  • The EmBLEM of United methodist women

    The emblem symbolizes our organization: The cross and the flame are ancient symbols of the church and appear on The United Methodist Church emblem. Both symbols remind us of the opportunities and obligations of discipleship.

    Paul's words to Timothy have fresh and contemporary meaning: "...I now remind you to stir into the flame the gift of God which is within you..." (2Timothy 1:6). As United Methodist Women we share our gift of God with others through mission.


    The cross and flame remind us of our PURPOSE of growing in our understanding of and willingness to participate in the global ministries of the church. They remind us of our heritage of women who pioneered in service for the church at home and in other countries. The overall shape is symbolic. Fluid and free-flowing, the shape suggests change and mobility. Continuing into the 21st century, we are a movement called United Methodist Women, with many gifts and unified by the Holy Spirit.

  • Centennial UMC 2022 leadership

    President:                                                                         Maraia Gonelevu-Mataitoga

    Vice President:                                                                 TBA

    Secretary:                                                                         TBA

    Treasurer:                                                                         Tamari Marawa

    Mission Coordinator -Spiritual Growth:                            Temalesi Fakalawa

    Mission Coordinator - Social Action:                                Irene Sadler

    Mission Coordinator – Program & Resource                     Adiyama Lecanadau

    Mission Coordinator – Membership, Nurturing                 Maraia Gonelevu-Mataitoga

    & Outreach:                                                                        

    Esther Friendship Circle:                                                  Clover Lawton

    Northern Lights Circle:                                                     Charlotte Linden

    Fiji Women’s Circle:                                                          Tabaki Fuakilau

    Nominations:                                                                    Mary Castro, Tabaki Fuakilau

  • Contact information

    Mailing Address:

    Centennial United Methodist Women

    5401 Freeport Boulevard

    Sacramento, CA 95822



    Contact Person:

    Maraia Gonelevu-Mataitoga




  • Los rios district umw

    The Los Rios District website can be found here.

    2022 Officers can be found here.

  • Fiji women's group



    President:                     Tabaki Fuakilau

    Vice-President:             Tamari Marawa

    Secretary:                     Temalesi Fakalawa

    Asst. Secretary:            Maraia Gonelevu-Mataitoga     

    Treasurer:                     Taina Niubasaga

  • channels of giving

    Gift to Mission

    Gifts to Mission are typically made in honor of someone for a special occasion. Cards are available to present your gift.


    Gift in Memory

    You can honor the memory of someone special by giving a Gift in Memory of her or him. Cards are available to represent your gift. Your donation makes additional mission work possible in the United States and around the world.


    Pledge to Mission

    Individual women pledge the amount that they will give to their local organizations to help fulfill the PURPOSE of UMW. These funds are used for the mission with a focus on women, children, and youth through the national office, except for the administration and membership development funds kept at the district and conference levels.


    Special Mission Recognition (SMR)

    An individual or group can recognize a faithful worker in mission by giving her or him an SMR pin. Pins range in cost from $40 to $2,000.


    World Thank Offering

    Throughout the year UMW members participate in a long-held tradition of giving a spontaneous gift of gratitude for God’s abundance and in celebration of the joys of life. Members often have offering boxes or other containers (see the UMW Mission Resources website: www.umwmissionresources.org) in their homes where they collect the offering throughout the year and then bring them to a special service of thanksgiving. A World Thank Offering program is available every year in the UMW Program Book.


    Supplemental Giving:


    Call to Prayer and Self-Denial

    This annual observance gives local and district organizations an opportunity to study and reflect on a particular theme each year and to designate funds for ministries related to that theme. The offering is given on a rotating basis for designated purposes: Programs and mission institutions related to UMW; capital expenditures (property and building needs) in UMW institutions; the Retirement Benefits Fund, which helps retired missionaries and deaconesses; and one year is reserved for other projects that apply to be a part of the offering.


    Brighter Future for Children and Youth

    UMW offers grants of up to $4,000 for projects and programs addressing the needs of children and young people between the ages of five and 18 in the areas of violence prevention, anti-abuse programs, and relationship abuse awareness.

  • Mission resources

    United Methodist Women members need tools to do God's work; our goal is to provide a wide variety of resources ranging from web content, to print materials, to learning experiences and opportunities to serve.

    Prayer Guide

    For the Prayer Calendar, Program Book, response and more Mission Resources visit our e-store.

    The Kitchen

    The United Methodist Women Kitchen is one of those places where we organize to ensure that all are fed, both literally and figuratively. How are you organizing locally to make things happen in a new way? Resources will help you rethink your outreach and "cook up" fresh ideas.

    Reading Program

    The Reading Program encourages members to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It offers an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of our mission work.

    Mission u

    Mission u is an opportunity to study current issues impacting society based on recent mission study topics. Mission u is open to members and non-members of United Methodist Women.


  • Workshop Resources

    Mutuality in Mission
    The changing landscape of mission, along with the changing times, demands new and innovative ways of being in mission. Mission is no longer mono-directional. It is multi-directional, poly-phonic, trans-cultural and trans-national.

    Communicating Faith in the 21st Century
    For too long the voice of people of faith has been hidden, drowned out or made altogether silent in the public media.

    Leaving Our Legacy
    Skills and knowledge for examining our financial situation in light of our Christian values and gaining a renewed enthusiasm for supporting the mission and ministry of United Methodist Women.

    The section on Ministry Opportunities

    The Section on Ministry Opportunities’ work is designed to support international ministries and national mission organizations and to administer the Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner. The collaboration of these offices enables missions across the globe by providing resources, vocation, and partnership opportunities. 

  • Centennial United Women in Faith

    Calendar of Events 2023

    Los Rios District/CA/NV Conference/National Office

    March 28          Officer Training, 7:00pm-8:00pm via Zoom                                         

                                  President, Program Resources, Social Action, Nominations


    March 31          Officer Training, 7:00pm-8:00pm via Zoom                                           

                                  Membership, Nurture & Outreach


    April 6 & 20       Faith Talks                                                                                              



    April 7               Voices from the Field                                                    



    April 19             Officer Training, 7:00pm-8:00pm via Zoom                                           



    May                  Heritage Month                                                                                       

                                  Caribbean American


    June 4-6          Mission-U                                                                              

                                 Monte Toyon in Aptos


    June 12           World Day                                                                                                  

                                Against Child Labor


    June 19          Juneteenth


    June 21          Just Energy 4 All Webinar                                                                         



    July 28-30      Mission-U                                                                              

                                Ecco Conference Center, Oakhurst


    Aug 25-30      Mission-U                                                                                                 

                               Centennial UMC, Sacramento


    Sept 15          Heritage Month Begins                                                                                   Hispanic/Latino/A/X


    Sept 16          Los Rios District                                                                       

                               Annual Celebration, Davis UMC


    Oct 11           International Day of the Girl


    Oct 14           CA/NV UWF Conference                                                     

                              Annual Celebration, St. Marks UMC-Sacramento



    Living the Kin-dom: Exploring the Lord’s Prayer as a Spiritual Practice for Social Transformation (Adult)

    THIS STUDY BY RIVA TABELISMA gives fresh eyes to the Lord’s Prayer. Often learned by rote, the Lord’s Prayer is a rich guide for how we can live out God’s kin-dom in our lives. Tabelisma invites participants in this study to step away from our automatic recitation of the prayer and dive deep into the meaning of each line over the course of eight one-hour sessions. Each of the sessions examines a section of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9–13 as it is recorded in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible

    Seek and You Shall Find: Living in the Kin-dom (Youth) 

    Seek and You Shall Find: Living in the Kin-dom, the 2023 youth curriculum by Rachel Mosher, the youth ministries coordinator at St. Marks United Methodist Church in Tucson, Arizona, leads youth through eight one-hour sessions that teach participants to find the kin-dom in the world around them, how to live what they have learned, and how to share the Good News about the kin-dom with others.

    We Are the Kin-dom: Children’s Curriculum (Children)

    This curriculum by Kathleen Stone guides children through an exploration of earthly kingdoms in contrast to God’s kin-dom and our role in living out the latter here and now. Children will be introduced to the concept of kin-dom vs kingdom to help distinguish between the flawed human construction of a kingdom that often results in op¬pression and exclusion, and God’s perfect kin-dom that offers freedom and inclusion. The study is supplemented by a four-part video, We Are the Kin-dom: Global Kids’ Voices. This video includes interviews with children from around the world who were asked about their un-derstanding of what kingdom means. We Are the Kin-dom! can be adapted to a variety of settings outside of the Mission u format, including Sunday school and other church school environments. Adaptations for distance learning are also provided.