Gift to Mission
Gifts to Mission are typically made in
honor of someone for a special occasion. Cards are available to present your
Gift in Memory
You can honor the memory of someone
special by giving a Gift in Memory of her or him. Cards are available to
represent your gift. Your donation makes additional mission work possible in
the United States and around the world.
Pledge to Mission
Individual women pledge the amount that
they will give to their local organizations to help fulfill the PURPOSE of UMW.
These funds are used for the mission with a focus on women, children, and youth
through the national office, except for the administration and membership
development funds kept at the district and conference levels.
Special Mission Recognition (SMR)
An individual or group can recognize a
faithful worker in mission by giving her or him an SMR pin. Pins range in cost
from $40 to $2,000.
World Thank Offering
Throughout the year UMW members
participate in a long-held tradition of giving a spontaneous gift of gratitude
for God’s abundance and in celebration of the joys of life. Members often have
offering boxes or other containers (see the UMW Mission Resources website: in their homes where they collect the offering
throughout the year and then bring them to a special service of thanksgiving. A
World Thank Offering program is available every year in the UMW Program Book.
Call to Prayer and Self-Denial
This annual observance gives local and
district organizations an opportunity to study and reflect on a particular
theme each year and to designate funds for ministries related to that theme.
The offering is given on a rotating basis for designated purposes: Programs and
mission institutions related to UMW; capital expenditures (property and
building needs) in UMW institutions; the Retirement Benefits Fund, which helps
retired missionaries and deaconesses; and one year is reserved for other
projects that apply to be a part of the offering.
Brighter Future for Children and Youth
UMW offers grants of up to $4,000 for
projects and programs addressing the needs of children and young people between
the ages of five and 18 in the areas of violence prevention, anti-abuse
programs, and relationship abuse awareness.